C# String Performance

In C# I have read a lot of debate over which way is the best way to do String Concatenation.  I have often read never ever use String1 + String2 due to the memory allocations and time constraints.  I decided to run some tests on the various way of doing String manipulation.  The table below shows the iterations, total times, and average times for some common way of doing string addition.  This was just a test of time, there was no memory consumption test.  All tests were doing adding 7 strings together that were stored in variable names.  There was no string a = "a" + "b";  It was all string a  = var1 + var2;  These were creating a single string for the listed iterations using the method(s) below.

I was surprised to see the + method came out ahead in all the tests.  String builder came in a close second.  String.Format was extremely slow but allows for localization which is another story.

iterations String + average String.Concat average String.Format average StringBuilder average
100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1000 0 0 0 0 1 0.001 0 0
10000 4 0.0004 7 0.0007 21 0.0021 4 0.0004
100000 38 0.00038 82 0.00082 69 0.00069 44 0.00044
1000000 272 0.000272 525 0.000525 784 0.000784 306 0.0003067
10000000 2569 0.0002569 5133 0.0005133 6245 0.0006245 2917 0.0002917


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