MFC using an ImageList in a TreeView control

This is a bit of a departure for my regular blogging but I've been working in MFC lately so I'm posting some of the things I've learned. So I have a tree view control that I want to add some images to. In .net this is easy just drop in an ImageList and add the images in the designer. In MFC this takes a wee bit more work.

Here is the actual code:

/* create the image list with 16x16 sized icons, 
32 bit color, 0 images to start, and resize the array 1 at a time when adding 
new images*/
m_ImageList.Add( AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon(IDI_ICON_ORG) );
m_ImageList.Add( AfxGetApp()->LoadIcon(IDI_ICON_POSITION) );

// set theimage list to be used in the tree view control with normal sized icons
m_treeGFM.SetImageList( &m_ImageList, LVSIL_NORMAL );

m_ImageList a CImageList member variable.

m_treeGFM is a member variable mapped to my tree view control.

The icons are resources I have added to my application.

For more on the CImageList class head over to MSDN and read about it.


You have given a sample code for adding same icons to every tree view items!

Can you post a sample code for various icons for each tree view items?


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