So I've been learning about the different message queuing systems and discovered rabbit MQ, an open source and very popular message queuing system. I've created a very basic producer/consumer system that sends a message to a rabbit MQ queue. Producer/Consumer is pretty simple, you have two systems a producer that writes to a queue and a consumer that reads from a queue. This is desirable because it splits responsibility and allows for scalability. The code below is going to assume you have a rabbit MQ instance installed on your local machine. You can get rabbit MQ here: Now the code is broken down into 3 parts, the main program, the producer, and the consumer. This is a basic example so its using old school threading rather than the new async/await .net prefers. But this is just to show how to use rabbit MQ in C# and to demonstrate a producer/consumer example. You will need to make sure your project has the rabbit MQ client nuget package installed...